I’m a gypsy soul with a heart that longs for home. 31 years old, Alaskan born and raised, constantly wandering around the world, following my feet and the way the sunsets always pull me in, seeking beauty and justice and love. Trying with the utmost tenderness to care for the inner-wounds of the afflicted and outcasts, be a gentle reminder of home for friends, and leave little traces of sunshine and vulnerability wherever I walk. I'm on a journey, slowly but surely, coming home to myself. Coming home to the woman nestled tenderly underneath this skin.
I love writing, it helps make sense of the sadness and beauty, disappointment and redemption, and grief and triumph of life. I love traveling and losing myself inside hidden coffee shops with English Tea and stacks of poetry surrounding me. I currently reside in Alaska with my beloved husband, and working full time with domestic violence and sexual assault victims. Walking with them to find hope, health and healing. I'm overwhelmed with a deep passion to see change in the lives of the most vulnerable, most rejected, most misunderstood of this world. Maybe somewhere inside their tired eyes I see myself. But then again each day I rise and find the beauty inside the way the sun dances on the mountain tops or the way a child wraps their arms around my shoulders. There's beauty in it all - and I want to help others see that beauty.